When you let me into your space, it makes our time together 10x more special. Documenting in home maternity sessions, as well as newborn sessions is truly such an honor. I love being able to capture you exactly how you are in the comfort of your own home. Maternity Sessions can be beautiful and elaborate, but I find the beauty of being safe and at ease in your normal day to day is the most beautiful..

Maternity sessions are a time to connect
I absolutely love in home maternity sessions for so many reasons, but another is that you get to include your pets! Here we are again, me preaching to include your little furry family members. Can you blame me? Look at how much they bring to the session!

Feeling safe with your photographer is key
Letting someone into your space is a huge ask – and I do not take that lightly. I don’t want you to feel like your house has to be spotless, and I surely do not want you to feel like you need to take care of me. My job is to take care of you. I am a storyteller and this is your story. I take that with pride and honor and when you look back on these images I want you to remember exactly how it felt to be in this stage in your life.

Celebrating you and all of the feels that come with creating a life
Thinking about booking an in home session with me? Head over to my website to submit my contact form. Still unsure? I also have a studio in downtown spokane if you’d rather do a cozy session there. You can also view my portfolio here for lifestyle sessions.
Even if you aren’t feeling like this is something you’d like to do, i’d love to chat with you and try to convince you to change your mind. Creating a life is literally one of the most beautiful gifts and being able to capture such a special time is so important. Not all images need to live on social media, do them just for you.